
  • Student Thesis Completion in 2024

    During 2024, several students completed their Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis in our laboratory: Alessio Perazzoli (MSc, Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Linda Legzdina (MSc, University of Latvia), Giorgia Tempra (MSc, University of Milano, Italy), Leonid Rozanov (BSc, University of Latvia and Riga Technical University), Giuseppe Guida (BSc, University of Bologna, Italy), Laura Calderone (BSc, University of Bologna, Italy), Veronica Bongiovanni (BSc, University of Bologna, Italy). Congratulations to all of them!


  • WIDENZYMES Project Kickoff in Riga

    Kick off meeting of the Horizon Europe “Pathways to Synergies” (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023- ACCESS-04) project “WIDENZYMES” was held in Riga on 12 April 2024. The meeting was organized by Dr. Emilio Parisini (grant Coordinator) and by Dr. Rossella Castagna and was attended by members of all the groups involved in the consortium: Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (Riga, Latvia), Slovak University of Technology (Bratislava, Slovakia), University of Crete (Heraklion, Greece), Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy) and Teamit Research (Barcelona, Spain).


  • PHOTOTHERAPORT Kickoff Meeting in Barcelona

    Kickoff meeting of PHOTOTHERAPORT (HORIZON-EIC-2023 PATHFINDEROPEN-01 program under grant agreement No. 101130883) took place in January 2024 in Barcelona to lay the first stone of this promising photobiomodulation project. The kick-off meeting was held at IBEC, the coordinator of the consortium. Dr. Rossella Castagna is the PI of the LIOS unit. Consortium members: Spain (IBEC, UCA, TINS), Latvia (LIOS, RSU), Finland (TAU), Israel (TIIT). 


  • Recognition and Honor

    At the 8th UERN Conference in Yerevan (Armenia) (8-10 November, 2023), researcher Dr. Rossella Castagna received the USERN medal for outstanding young researchers and was appointed USERN Junior Ambassador for Latvia.


  • Presentations at Conference

    ERA chair holder Dr. Emilio Parisini and researcher Dr. Rossella Castagna delivered invited talks as keynote speakers at the 8th USERN Conference in Yerevan (Armenia) (8-10 November, 2023). USERN stands for “Universal Scientific Education and Research Network”.


  • Award

    PhD student Shapla Bhattacharya has attended the FEBS Advanced Practical and Lecture Course “Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis” in Zagreb, Croatia (24-29 September, 2023). At this prestigious FEBS course, Shapla won the best poster award.


  • BioDrug participates European Researcher's Night 2023

    The group members Dr. Teodors Panteļejevs, Anastasija Rudņickiha, Laura Odiņa and Atis Jēkabsons actively participated in the European Researchers’ Night event that was held at the LIOS on September 29th 2023.


  • New scientific project

    Researcher Dr. Rossella Castagna has been awarded a Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder 2023 grant titled “PHOTOTHERAPORT: luminescent implants as ports for light-based therapies”. The coordinator of the project is Prof. Pau Gorostiza (IBEC, Barcelona, Spain).

    LIOS role in the project is partner unit and the principal investigator of the LIOS unit will be Dr. Rossella Castagna.


  • Highlights from the BioDrug Conference 2023: Recent Advances in Structural Biology and Drug Discovery

    From September 18th to 19th, the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) hosted the BioDrug conference, dedicated to recent advances in structural biology and drug discovery. The event took place in Riga and brought together 12 distinguished speakers and over 80 participants.


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  • Two master's thesis successfully defended

    On  June 02, 2023 Laura Maija Odina and Martins Kalnins in the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia successfully defending their master's thesis.

    Laura Maija Odina's  thesis title was “Functional characterization of novel Plasmodium falciparum choline kinase inhibitors”, supervisor: Dr. Emilio Parisini. Martins Kalnins thesis title was “Towards the development of selective modulators of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion” Supervisors: Dr. Emilio Parisini, Dr. Teodors Pantelejevs.

    Congratulations to MSc graduates Laura Maija Odina and MSc Martins Kalnins!


  • Participation in the conference

    ERA chair holder Dr. Emilio Parisini gave an invited talk at the “Alliance4Life” conference “Health and the Environment”- Łodz (Poland), 25-26/04/2023. Title of the talk: “Engineering of a fructosyl peptide oxidase enzyme for biomedical applications”.


  • Participation in the DEEP TECH Atelier

    ERA chair holder Dr. Emilio Parisini and Researcher Dr. Rossella Castagna participated in the “Biotechnology Breakfast” event organized by the Biocatalysis Foundation in cooperation with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) in the framework of the DEEP TECH Atelier, which was held in Riga on 21/04/2023.


  • Visitors

    The Ambassador of Italy to Latvia Alessandro Monti visited the new Biotechnology department on 19/04/2023.


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  • New facilities for Biotechnology group

    The new Biotechnology department was officially inaugurated on 29/03/2023 by the Latvian Prime Minister Artūrs Krišjānis Kariņš.


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  • New Research Grant

    Researcher Dr. Rossella Castagna has been awarded a bilateral Latvian-French Hubert Curien partnership grant (OSMOSE 2022). Title of the project: “Multimodal electrospun nanofibers for “minute”-trapping and removal of bacteria in water (FIBOMAG)”. Bilateral project France (Nantes University - Prof. Elena Ishow) and Latvia (LIOS – Dr. Rossella Castagna).

  • Scientific research in news media

    The publication by Dr. Nikhil Agrawal and Dr. Emilio Parisini “Early Stages of Misfolding of PAP248-286 at two different pH values: An Insight from Molecular Dynamics Simulations' in the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal has been featured in several Latvian online news magazines:

    Scientific publication is available: Agrawal,N.; Parisini, E. Early stages of misfolding of PAP248-286 at two different pH values: An insight from molecular dynamics simulations. Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 2022, 20, 4892-4901. DOI: 10.1016/j.csbj.2022.08.060


  • Outreach activities

    The group members Dr. Nikhil Agrawal, Dr. Rossella Castagna Shapla Bhattacharya, Anastasija Rudnickiha, Laura Odina and Giorga Bollo del Rio actively participated in the “European Researchers’ Night” event that was held at the LIOS on September 30th 2022.

  • Awards

    Dr. Teodors Pantelejevs won the best poster prize at the 2nd Drug Discovery Conference held in Riga, Latvia, 22 – 24 September 2022. This prize, which was sponsored by the journal Crystals (MDPI), was given for the best poster featuring structural biology data.

  • Training

    Dr. Alfonso Gautieri (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) delivered a 1-week course on molecular modelling at the LIOS (5-9 Sept. 2022). The course featured a combination of 5 theoretical lectures and 5 hands-on sessions.

  • Teaching

    ERA chair holder Dr. Emilio Parisini was appointed Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the University of Bologna (Italy) - 01/09/2022. Dr. Emilio Parisini will hold a dual appointment (LIOS and University of Bologna).

  • Students

    Erasmus+ student Giorgia Bollo del Rio from the University of Genova (Italy) joined the Biotechnology group at the LIOS to do her Master thesis from August 2022 until February 2023 (projected).

  • Awards

    Congratulations to Shapla Bhattacharya, PhD student in the Biotechnology group, on winning the best poster award at the EMBO practical school on 'High throughput protein production and crystallization' held in Marseille, France (4-12 July 2022).
    Congratulations, Shapla!!

  • Participation in the EBS3+ Conference

    From 15 to 17 June, 2022 the Biotechnology group participate in the FEBS3+ Conference of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Biochemical Societies, organized by the Estonian Biochemical Society in Tallinn, Estonia.

    Oral presentations by: Dr. Emilio Parisini (Principal Investigator, Head of the Biotechnology group) “Drugging the undruggable: towards the development of selective modulators of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion” and Dr. Teodors Pantelejevs (Researcher) “A conserved mechanism of interferon signalling antagonism in poxviruses and paramyxoviruses”.

  • Students

    BSc student Linda Legzdina graduated on 06/06/2022 in the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia discussing a thesis titled: “Towards the design of engineered enzymes for protein deglycation” (Mark: 9) (Supervisor: Dr. Emilio Parisini). Congratulations, Linda!!

  • COST action CA21111

    Participation in the awarded COST action CA21111 (2022-2026) – OneHealthdrugs – “One health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond”. Dr. Parisini has been nominated LIOS representative in the Managing Committee for this international collaborative grant.

  • Lecture

    Dr. Emilio Parisini has been invited to deliver a lecture at the XXII Edoardo Amaldi Conference 'Nuclear Risks and Arms Control: Problems and Progress in the Time of Pandemics and War', which was held at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome (Italy) on 6-8 Apr. 2022.
    Title of Dr. Parisini's oral presentation: 'International cooperation to tackle future pandemics'.

  • Congratulations

    Dr. Emilio Parisini has been elected as the Latvia representative in the Scientific Committee of the European Society of Applied Biocatalysis (ESAB) (24 March 2022)

  • Dr. Parisini has completed a 4-month Visiting Professorship at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy, Oct 2021-Jan 2022).

  • Dr. Parisini has secured a Latvia-French bilateral grant (OSMOSIS) in collaboration with Prof. Frederic Andre' (CNRS-Marseille).

  • Great news

    The BioDrug webpage is LIVE now!
